Steering Rack Motor/Actuator

Steering Rack Motor/Actuator


Select New Old Stock or Used/Rebuilt motor
Product total $800.00
Options total $0.00
Grand total $800.00


It’s fun to have the last of the original new old stock steering motors! These motors from the beginning have had great quality to them and it’s amazing how well they run for so long under so much load. Very few of these motors actually fail. Even with motor DTC’s pointing that direction and these are commonly misdiagnosed. We are always happy to help diagnose with the the aim of replacing one faulty part instead of many parts.

We also have good used motors that we rebuilt and tested. The motors themselves are amazing robust and found the failure point is in the internal relay so we have great confidence in these used ones.

Both come with 6 month warranty.

*Notice: We are learning when the motors start to go bad it can burn out the MOSFETs in the controller so I highly recommend anyone that is having 4WS issues to remove their fuses until they can get it diagnosed. 2002 Trucks have SEO1 fuse and 2003-2005 have 4WS fuse under the hood.

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