Team Rock Crawler
The first Goood Controller will replace OEM control module with 4WS, Crab mode, and Manual control options functional only below a set speed (will be determined later). It will not have 4WS TOW as an option. The screen is a great fit in the location of the OEM 4WS mode selector switch and will utilize the same connector. It is a touch screen that allows you to select the desired driving mode with live feedback from the rear wheels showing actual degree angle, direction and moving wheel icons. Installing it will be plug-n-play with no need to cut wires or drill holes. The screen clicks into place after removing the mode switch and the controller will use the same connectors as the OEM controller. There will be no need for a scan tool for the rear steer system as we will use the same display for diagnostics. Keeping things simple.I will update this page as the beta team is put together and have more definitive info about functionality, install process etc. as it happens. Beta team will be expected to give their input and advice on easier installations, user-friendly and overall operation. Beta team will also have free updates as production unit makes changes over time.
At the moment we are voting manual mode will be controlled by the 2007 shifter that has 2 buttons normally used for shifting up and down. Very easy to change the shift handle and we have the connector that conveniently plugs into it.